Friday, April 12, 2013

Cathy Brennan Has a Point

One of the stranger bits of silliness among the "men in dresses" club is the hashtag #girlslikeus. For some reason, and it is more than just a little creepy, transgender men like to call themselves "girls." Well, I see where Cathy Brennan made mention of that on Twitter....
13hradfem2013 girl=female child are actually adult males
Now, there are a number of points where I would disagree with Brennan. I doubt she would have that much more regard for me, than she would for those she would ignorantly lump me in with, but she occasionally does hit the nail on the head. These people are NOT girls at all...


Rosenkreuz said...


I know Brennan makes the occasional broken-clock insight, and she's obviously right here. But she makes my skin crawl because of how full of hate she is. If anything, it's almost the "transgender agenda" in reverse, whereas transvestites use transsexuals to make themselves look good, radfems use transvestites to make transsexuals look bad.

A pox on both their houses, because you don't get points for "Being more sane than Autumn Sandeen".

Just Jennifer said...

I tend to be somewhat amused by the antics of extremists. I agree, Brennan is sort of the polar extreme from the TGs, and thus as silly. I don't take the radfems seriously, as they have been around a while, and have not had the horrible effects that the TGs have started to attribute to them. Sure, Janice Raymond was "cited" as evidence for the denial of medical benefits, but that was mostly because there was little else to support doing so. They did not do it because of her, but used her as cover to do what they already planned to do.

I mean, seriously, how many people have ever heard of Cathy Brennan?

Unknown said...

Radicals should never be taken seriously unless they resort to violence. Radical Feminists or Radical Transvestites makes no difference, 2 sides of the same bent coin.

Just Jennifer said...

I do feel that some of the more extremist demands of the TG crowd is, effectively, violence against women. They have no business invading women's only spaces.

Unknown said...

Yea I would have to agree on your standd point here that both the rad feminist AND the rad TG rights speakers are both nuts, to be honest I am of the stand point that yes since a transsexual person is actually fully changing toward their preferred gender those facilities should be available to them, but since a majority of the others riding those coat tails have no real intentions of actually making a permanent change to that gender why on earth do they belong in those privacy areas? lets say for instance we are referring to just a crossdresser. Just because you spend 1 night a week actually dressed up as a woman for whatever reason you have that means you should have that protection? You don't even identify normally as a woman so in that respect you ARE NOT a woman. I on the other hand do and live day in and day out as one and struggle with douchebags in society on a daily basis so atleast I can say nut jobs like Cathy Brennan are partially right, the rights battle need to narrow down who exactly is applicable for these protections and maybe using the persons ID/drivers license gender marker would be a good end all be all factor for if you go to jail or on your happy way.

Unknown said...

While I agree that both sides of that bent coin are nuts I do think that there is some merit to their arguments, but that belief stops at transsexuals, simply because a transsexual is actually living 24/7 as a female and crossdressers and other transgender people do not, this is not to say they are a lesser human being but let's face it if say 1 day a week you dress up as a woman do you really need the protection of saying you identify as such? not really, granted people should be respectful at all times but really these battles only effect transsexuals day to day lives which is why I proposed an alternative to Rep Kavanagh in AZ using the Drivers license/ID of the individual as the basis for determining if that indivdual belongs in those privacy areas, because women whether trans or cis gendered deserve protection from sexual assualts and violence

Just Jennifer said...

Hi Katelyn,

Well, I agree there needs to be reasonable limits. I am hesitant to make it simply "living full time" as that would encompass kooks like Arnold "Virginia Prince" Lowman, who was the "Lord High Transvestite" who very much pushed the "woman with a penis" ideal. And it would also include "Autumn" Sandeen, who is the current heir apparent to Lowman's position. These are not people who should be hanging out in women's spaces. Granted, I am a bit less concerned with bathrooms, which are a harder battle ground (though I do think obvious transvestites should be dealt with, than I am with places where nudity really is an issue.

And yes, men do invade women's spaces for evil purposes. Just such an incident happened here in San Francisco a week or so ago, and it did not even involve the issue here. A man hide in a women's changing room at the local community college's gymnasium and assaulted a woman.

What I really have a problem with is the way the faux women have such total disregard for issues surrounding women's safety and privacy.

Unknown said...

Yea I can pretty much agree with you completely here, I am also not one to impose that someone must change to be blah blah, I think it is far more important to be yourself and what comes naturally than to fit some goofball notion of what a woman is, either by trans or male creation of ideals, and yea there is a total disregard for womens safety in this whole debate, and I am sorry but if you haven't had surgery you have no business showering with women, just go home where you are safe and alone, if you are that bothered by your body why take any chance of showing it off?, I only feel bathrooms are my current concern until that day I have had my surgery, till then I shower at home

Just Jennifer said...

That is one of the things that gets me in this whole mess. Before my surgery, I would have rather died than be seen in a shower. I remember the mortification I felt when I had to be examined by the surgeons before my operation. And I remember lying there in the exam room a week after getting out of the hospital with a gorgeous doctor's face in my crotch and not feeling the least upset. I think some, like that pervert in Oregon, actually get off on being seen.

Unknown said...

yea it boggles my mind, and just like this story of the alleged transgender person in Idaho, whom I might add was standing and urinating in the women's restroom of all things then defends themselves by saying the over used line of "I identify as a woman" hardly, all kinds of red flags pop up for me on that. If all it is, is a dirty lil fetish or whatever and you are not commited to fully changing you aren't deserving of all of the priveledges of going all the way and for the sake of your safety keep it to an accepting environment and/or keep it to weekend excursions to those environments

Just Jennifer said...

There is an old joke...

How can you tell a transvestite has been in ladies room?

The seat was left up...

Even when I was little, my mother got after me for sitting to pee. I cannot understand anyone who claims to be a woman, or a transsexual, who would do such a thing, especially if they are in the ladies room. Before I began transition, I got the occasional odd look when I would walk out of stall in the men's room after peeing. I always hated the whole, belly up to the urinal thing. Go figure....