Sunday, May 26, 2013

When Extremist Kooks Collide...

I've been kind of busy the last week or so...I had a major project I was involved in, and it took up quite a bit of my time, and besides, there hasn't been much of interest to write about.  I mean, after a while, it becomes kind of dreary just pointing out that kooks like "Autumn" Sandeen, or Suzan Cooke are posting the same repetitive dribble.  Cooke is still trying to relive her glory days as a radical wannabe from the Sixties, and Sandeen...well, he has spent the past week trumpeting the fact that he did something transsexuals have done for some time, actually, apparently lying and claiming he has pulled off some major victory as the first to get his idea changed.  Granted, Sandeen may be the first to fraudulently claim to have had SRS in order to effect such a change.

But one rather amusing bit has turned up on "Cristan" Williams' blog Ehipassiko, which is named for one of the six "supreme qualities" of the Teaching of the Buddha.  The idea is that one should come and see for their self, and put it to the test.  Of course, that is rather ironic, as Mr. Williams' blog is centered on him telling you what to believe, and attacking anyone who disagrees.

Anyway, Mr. Williams' latest obsession centers around what has come to be labeled "TERFs," and acronym for "Trans Exclusive Radical Feminists."  This is used to refer to the relatively tiny group of extremist lesbian-separatists who follow in the footsteps of Janice Raymond, who wrote the largely forgotten (except among the transgender kooks) book, "The Transsexual Empire."  Raymond's book falls into the category of kooky conspiracy theory, basically putting forward the idea that "transsexualism" is part of a conspiracy to subvert feminism and that transsexuals symbolically rape women's bodies by acquiring one of their own.  In short, it is the sort of silliness that might get some attention within a very small, very radical, dark corner of academia, but which would go largely unnoticed by most.

But for the transgender extremists, who insist that gender and sex are matters of choice, and can be switched about on a whim, the so-called "TERFs" are a major issue.  Apparently, it especially galls the "male lesbian" crowd that a group of extremist lesbians absolutely despise them.  

In this most recent post, we see Mr. Williams at his most boorishness.  In his typically macho style, he tries to goad his adversary, a radical feminist who uses the screen name GallusMag into debating him:
If you actually possesses the courage of your convictions, I’ll gladly public debate you live on a Google Hangout so that everyone can enjoy watching you display your own special view of reality. Let’s debate the criticisms that you’ve failed to actually address. If you feel that you need to advantage yourself by publicly hiding during the debate, you could always use an avatar on camera while I own my public words with my real identity. Debate me live so that all your supporters can watch you articulate your points in that very special way you’re known for. Be their champion, GallusMag.
But, Mr. Williams does not stop there....
Will you fail to live up to your supposed convictions and if so, I wonder what excuse you’ll use that will be most pleasing to your audience. Will you pretend that rejecting my challenge is the radically feminist to do because debates are somehow male-centric? Maybe you’ll say that you’re too offended by my open challenge. Maybe you’ll pretend that the reason you’re backing out is a lack of trust, logistics or any other reason you can think of that will allow you to save face while you abandon your supposed convictions. Maybe you’ll just pretend to ignore this debate challenge.
This is typical of Mr. Williams.  He loves to goad his opponents.  Of course, if they do give in, and agree to debate him, he then tries every dirty trick he can think of to advance his cause through logical fallacies.  In this case, he goes so far as to agree to not accuse his opponent of "hate" if they debate.  But I am sure he has plenty of other ad hominem attacks at the ready.

The real kicker is Mr.  Williams' little timer he is using to taunt:
So far, GallusMag has been ducking an honest debate about transgenderism for 2 days 2 minutes 25 seconds.
On Williams' site, it is slowly ticking away, in a silly, and rather childish attempt to bully GallusMag into a confrontation.  That is what makes Mr. Williams such a clown.  He actually seems to think this is how women act.  And then he complains when the radical feminists call him on his totally male behavior.  And it would be a miracle if Mr. Williams actually engaged in an honest debate.  He tends to pull out every dishonest logical fallacy in the book.

Seriously, only a man could come ups with something like:
My debate invitation will remain open to you. If at some point you work up the courage to stand firm upon your convictions and face me live (even if you have to hide behind an avatar to do it), I’ll be happy to allow you to prove just how clever you believe yourself to be. Think of it. You’ll get to hide behind a fake face and fake identity while publicly putting me in my place in front of a live audience – all while I’m forced to own my words, actions and views by publicly debating you live.
What have you got to lose, GallusMag? So, how about it?
Seriously, what a clueless twit Mr. Williams is to actually go online and taunt a woman...  How very butch of him.


Nicky said...

This is why Extremist kooks are very extremist. What MR Williams is trying to pull is fast one and most women with a brain know that it's a male trick. That's why Extremist kooks are getting desperate because more and more people are getting wise to these trans kooks and their games.

Nicky said...

Here's a perfectly good example of the Transgender kooks co-opting intersex people and their condition.

Rosenkreuz said...

How is this person even intersex? This is ridiculous.

Senrub said...

That is the point. If you click on the (Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome), you will find NO mention of "inter-sex".

Just your typical TG conflation and misdirection.

Senrub said...

That is the point. If you click on the (Mayer-Rokitansky-Küster-Hauser syndrome), you will find NO mention of "inter-sex".

Just your typical TG conflation and misdirection.

Nicky said...

It just shows that TG has always conflated Intersex people with them. Clearly they are getting desperate and extreme. They have been conflating Intersex to justify themselves and just look at the many TG kooks that have been known to do it.