Both "Autumn" Sandeen and "Cristan" Williams have, quite cluelessly, shot themselves in the foot. Well, Mr. Williams more than Mr. Sandeen. Sandeen has simply shown the anti-social nature of his desires. Williams has shown that his claims about the origins of "transgender" are not true.
First off, Sandeen has posted in response to Jillian Page, who he describes as a "wonderful friend" even as he takes Page to task for stating what Sandeen no doubt considers the ultimate heresy against transgender doctrine.
As I discussed in my last post, Sandeen is ranting against stealth by "trans people," and I can imagine his outrage that someone he considers a fellow traveler has the audacity to actually disagree with him. I mean, how dare anyone but Sandeen presume to state what the primary goal of transgender people "should be?"
Page states:
The ultimate goal of trans people is to blend in with society, and not to draw any special attention to themselves. I think we are getting to the point where the less said to the media, the better, especially about such personal things like having babies. I mean, whose business is it, anyway?Now I don't identify as "trans" anything, but I see merit in this comment. I have a lot less problem with those who are trying to blend in with society. And I do wish "trans people" would learn some discretion when it comes to the media. The example that Page gives is classic, a transgender "man" who has given birth in England. At least in this case the masculinized woman had the good sense not to allow her name to be used. No, men do not have babies. And I don't care what the British tabloids want to claim, this person was not a "male mother," first, second, or otherwise.
Of course, Sandeen is aghast at the suggestion that trans people primary goal is anything other than the complete destruction of certain societal standards. And this is what is wrong with the transgender movement in general. It is not about being who you really are, but instead is about rebelling against gender norms and imposing an unpopular view on society.
I think part of this is because, as certain behavior becomes more acceptable, the transgender need more and more outrageous behavior to fuel their fetishes. It used to be that appearing in public dressed as a woman could quickly land a man in jail. That sort of law has disappeared, so now there is less "thrill" in being publicly crossdressed. There is little shock value in just being a crossdresser, so they have to push the envelope.
Now, a commenter on Sandeen's site suggests that he is pushing this agenda because he is not able to "pass." And yes, in Sandeen's case, "pass" is the appropriate term, as he is not now, and never will be a woman. The best he can hope for is to fool someone into thinking he is not a man,though that is extremely unlikely.
The other post that shows what is wrong with the transgender movement, as I said, comes from none other than lead gender fascist "Cristan" WIlliams. Williams, who has made a name for himself by posting obscure citations that are supposed to prove that "transgender" really does apply to transsexuals, and that separatists are wrong. The problem, for him, is that they prove nothing remotely like that. At best, assuming that all of the claimed posts are remotely legitimate (still an open question since Williams basically demands that people prove a negative, which is a classic false argument) they show that a variety of people put "trans" and "gender" together, sometimes in reference to transsexuals, and other times in reference to other groups.
In one recent post he even cites C.S. Lewis using the term "trans-sexual." The problem for Williams is that Lewis was referring to marriages in Heaven. A classic question from theology, which Lewis answers with the idea that people will "beyond sex," not that the saints will have their sex changed upon arrival at the Pearly Gates. Granted, that was a plot line a rather silly bit of transvestite fiction that was cited in one scholarly book on the subject of transvestites.
And therein lies the problem for Williams' basic argument. The fact that various people, at various times, may have used a word does not equate to them holding to the current concept which is attached to that word. And it is actually the concept, not the word that those Williams likes to label as separatists reject. But that requires actual logic and thought, not one of Williams' strengths. He prefers what he perceives, usually erroneously, as clever arguments.
And Phillip Frye, who is, as shown by the very history that Williams posts, a heterosexual transvestite who was quite determined to force his little hobby on society serves as a perfect example of why many transsexuals want no part of "transgender." Frye has, in the past, attacked transsexuals, and has made statements to the effect that people should not have surgery, claim that 50% are dissatisfied after surgery. This, of course, is clearly a lie. Of course, Frye is not the first transgender extremist to make such a claim. Many of them vehemently oppose surgery for anyone.
Frye has attempted any number of legal frauds, such as suggesting that people claim to suffer from ectopic ovaries and a hyperthrophied clitoris in order to get their birth certificate changed. And he then suggested that such a birth certificate could be used to obtain a fraudulent same sex marriage. Now, I support same sex marriage, but not through fraud. That accomplishes nothing.
And Frye is one who is often credited with the creation of the modern transgender movement. Of course, what is repeatedly denied by Williams is the simple truth that originally, transgender was presented as an alternative to transsexualism. It started when some crossdressers, such as Frye, "Holly" Boswell, and yes, Arnold Lowman (aka Charles "Virginia" Prince). For example, Dallas Denny (no use in using what some refer to as "scare quotes" here, as Denny was named "Dallas" at birth, and as I understand, never changed his name. In fact, as I understand it, his legal name remains Dallas Henry Denny) wrote in a review of a book from the earlier days of the transgender movement:
To their everlasting credit, a few courageous souls, notably Virginia Prince, Linda Phillips, Phyllis Randolph Frye, and Holly Boswell, realized the absurdity of this type of thinking, and began asking, quietly at first, and then with increasing force and volume, “Why is it necessary to have a surgery I don’t want in order to live the life I desire?” Once posed, this question had but one logical answer, and that was that the rigidly dichotomous gender roles of our society had made us blind to the possibility, and that of course, they and other transgendered persons could function in society as women without offering their genitals up to the surgeons.Yes, contrary to what Williams tries so hard to claim, it really did start out as an anti-transsexual movement. And part of the irony is, Denny rushed into surgery, even though many who knew him felt he was not a good candidate. For the record, there is no joy in being right about such a thing.
The concept of "transgender" that we have today (as opposed to some obscure use of the term that Williams happened to possibly turn up) was first conceived as an alternative to transsexual. It originated when some aging transvestites decided that they wanted to be full-time crossdressers, but did not remotely want to give up their penises. Then, because of the transgender hierarchy that they often try to deny exists, they decided that they were "really" transsexuals....except, well, they still didn't want to give up their penises, but hey, they liked calling themselves transsexuals because, well, it sounded better than admitting that they were still crossdressers, just full time.
But how could they claim to be transsexuals if transsexuals were not "transgender." Thus the movement that began as an alternative to being transsexual began to claim to be about being transsexual, and the term was morphed into the vague, confusing mess we have today, and they wonder why transsexuals want no part of their silliness.
And, of course, Williams continues to try to force people to accept the label transgender, whether they like it or not. And, of course, we continue to laugh at his silliness.
silliness? the damn term has made it into NZ law:
"The term 'transsexual' refers to a person who does not identify with the biological sex designated at birth and who adopts the social role of the gender they identify with. Because this is a phenomenon of identity, rather than biology, it is now more common to use the term 'transgender' "
argh. ts is now about social role? has the world gone mad? better start calling tomboys male, and sissy female. wait. that is what we are doing, god help us,
This is the probably one of the most confusing posts I've ever read. Cristan Williams is a woman, not a guy. Please check out her youtube site, blog, etc. I'm not sure how you got that one wrong. I really hope you weren't trying to be sarcastic----purposefully calling a transperson by the wrong gender pronouns is just plain offensive.
I'm sorry you have trouble with simple words. Williams thinks like a man, acts like a man, and is a man. And I don't care how offended you are, I won't lie to make you happy. I am using the correct pronouns, whether you like it or not.
Forcing unpopular views upon society? Does the term "minority rights" mean anything to you?
Besides, even if we assume that all of your facts are correct... all you're doing is attacking certain arguments for the transgender movement by, what, two people? Look up the fallacy fallacy, unless you're afraid to learn things.
Rights should not be based on chosen behavior. That is why claiming that transgender extremism is based on having rights as a minority is totally bogus.
you should really seek help. your posts are hurting yourself and others
Sorry Mr. Hunter, but the fact that I don't agree with your radical agenda does not mean that I need help, nor does it justify your claim that I am hurting anyone. Granted, there is the old saying, "The truth hurts," and I imagine it does sting some transgender kooks when they are reminded that they are not really women...but in the long run, they do far more harm to far more people than is caused by them being confronted with the truth.
Finally! Someone on this planet that really sees the morality and unnaturalness of transgender-ism! Good luck finding any not politically correct comments on here, because every human being is being brainwashed by the left-wing media on how it is OK and natural.
I won't judge people if they are gay or lesbian or bi, but if you are a transgender, someone who purposefully wants to cheat their way in life and get away with artificial help, I personally despise you. If you are transgender and you have absolutely no regrets about it, I despise you as a human being. Everyone on this earth has to suffer at some point; hell, I was depressed a few years ago and almost committed suicide in a public washroom. Nevertheless, I got through it and everything is getting better slowly. But besides my sob story, I truly agree with what you posted, Jennifer, and I feel like I just gained cancer from some of the comments that were posted here.
well first you miss gender ed me. and for the second i have read up on you came across the information when i was searching for something else. you really don't fool anyone do you think anyone takes you seriously. you are hurting people get the help
First off, no sir, I did not misgender you. You are clearly a man. Second, don't believe everything you read online. I have had a very disturbed individual who has been stalking me online for years. "Diane" Lask (who is non-op, but who lied for years about being post-op) is quite obsessed with me, and has posted a number of outright lies. And yes, quite a few people take me very seriously. Just not kooks like you. No go, be a good transvestite and run along.
you are just sad
Not at all. I simply disagree with the goals of extremist transgender kooks. You don't have to agree with me, but it makes you look very foolish when all you can offer is lame insults.
I support this page and its views. Dont ever stop. I dont hate people OR their lifestyle, but it doesnt mean I support it. So many people "want" to be wish to be think they are doesn't match what they were born with. For example my father is broke yet everytime he gets a paycheck he blows it all away every penny on partying. He THINKS he's rich and wants to be rich. Doesn't change the fact that he ISN'T. Or if my cousin thinks, talks, acts, walks, speaks , dresses like he's Jamaican.he's not. He will move to jamaica to live as if he is one and maybe even pass as one. But hes not. But tell it to him gently or not at all. Because in his mind he is convinced of this. From his view he isn't pretending. I respect that but my opinion or his opinion has nothing to do with reality. Its really that black and white. Anything grey in between is deception. My friend is female. Just because she likes sports, cars, women, and short hair, it doesnt make her a man. What we think we are and who we really are don't always match. And I get that. And we can chose to entertain and feed into our inner desires, without letting it consume and control and completely overcome and dominate every last detail about you. Just when we think we fins ourselves, is when we are more lost than ever. Peace and love.
I am a transsexual man and I find what you've written very offensive! All we want is the same rights as everybody else. I'd just like to live in a world where I don't have to be afraid to use the public toilet, is that too much to ask.
the only reason transgender even exists is because of our bullshit society. If no one were made to act like something based completely on their private parts, those who are trans now wouldn't feel the need to change their body. They would feel accepted about who they were and what they chose to act like.
If you dont like transgender people, get on with your own life and fuck off with your hurtful articles. Transgender people have as much right as you to feel comfortable with themselves. How can you even comment on something you don't understand, we aren't hurting you with our existence. Trans people have existed for longer than you can even comprehend, with your tiny biased little minds. Being transgender is not a choice, I can't help the way I feel about myself and neither can other trans people.
Okay, first off, this has nothing to do with "like or dislike." I have nothing against individuals, but I don't care for the political crap spewed by the transgender extremists. If you find that "hurtful," I'm sorry, but yes, the truth sometimes does hurt.
As to "transgender people feeling comfortable with themselves...," give me a break. Most of them don't remotely feel that. Most are very deeply disturbed individuals who are acting out. And no, "transgender people" have only existed since around the early to mid-Nineties, when the whole construct began to form. Transgender is not a reality, it is an identity. Until people started adopting that term, and trying to impose it on others, it, and "transgender people" simply did not exist.
And yes, it is very much a choice. Being a transsexual is not a choice. Being a crossdresser, or adopting the identity of "transgender," and joining in lockstep with that particular political/social construct, is very much a choice. Being a transsexual does not make one transgender. Nor, for that matter, does any of the other behaviors that the transgender model attempts to lump in with transsexualism. Choosing to identify as transgender does.
This Jennifer character has an incredibly poor understanding of history. Since the 90's? Lol. Contrary to you, things did occur prior to your acquiring the ability to recall the past. I understand that you may simply not be aware of things that happened in the pre-90's long long ago, but I assure you that existence predates you. Books are useful tools for developing an understanding of this most interesting period. I strongly recommend looking into this.
Poor sense of history? Sorry sir, but I was around when this stuff happened, and for quite some time before. I witnessed it first hand, so yes, I have an excellent sense of history. And for what it is worth, I have most certainly read more books than you have. But hey, thanks for playing....
Oh, and sir, I am not a "character." I was Jennifer back in the '90's. So, yes, I know of what I speak.
The only group of people who take your point of view seriously in the modern world are those who yearn for a time before the internet when they did not have to be exposed to cultures outside of their own small town. The movements of which you speak evolved due to a greater access to communication with likeminded individuals. It is not that they did not exist previously. It was that people were kept isolated from each other and had judeo-christian values force-fed to them from birth. The gay and lesbian communities asserted their existence first simply because they existed in large enough numbers that it became impossible for mainstream society to bully them back into the closet. Your views are obsolete, but I am sure you will find a base that humours your archaic perception of reality throughout your lifetime, so kudos to you. Your beliefs have no place in the future, and if you lack the ability to evolve from your small-minded view, you are perfectly within your rights to grow old and die an ignorant fool.
At some point within twenty years, people like me will no longer feel compelled to respond to your laughable ignorance, and you will be left to talk into the wind. You are lucky to be voicing it now, because in twenty years almost everyone will understand your viewpoint to be wholly irrelevant soapbox preacher nonsense and have no time to hear it. Please do enjoy your continued intellectual cowardice. It warms my heart to know your grandchildren will roll their eyes at your bigoted rants, because sometimes you just have to shrug and realise there is no fixing stupid.
I love how this bigot ended up being trans herself lol.
I assume you are referring to me. No, I don't accept the label of "trans." I have completed my transition, and I live as a woman, not as a "trans."
Oh, and just so you know for future reference, the word "bigot" does NOT mean someone who disagrees with you.
Alas, I somehow missed Mr. Smith's second screed when it was first submitted. Ironically, he exhibits the close-minded approach that he is so quick to accuse me of. The difference between us is that I am able to see the reality, and he only sees his extremely narrow viewpoint. Oh well...
God, this guys nuts ;)
No, Nick...I just clearly do not see things he way you do. Oh, and I am not a guy. But hey, there are courses available that can help with your obvious reading comprehension and critical thinking issues.
LOL, sarcasm lost on you?
Neither are transgendered.
No, but what you don't understand is there is a difference between sarcasm, and simple stupidity. Transgender, by its very nature, is pretty much an affirmation that one is still "a guy" in the case of male transgender, and "a girl" in the case of female transgender. You cannot change your gender. And most who identify as transgender are actually cisgender. That is, they have a male body and a male brain. They just want to play dress-up and rebel against what they really are. In fact, the largest proportion of "transgender" are transvestites who dress up to get their jollies.
No, Jennifer. I am cisgender. I am a male who identifies as male.
You seem to have a very black and white view of things. You see yourself as a woman, because you are post op.
I've read your blogs, and for somebody who speaks of hating the 'heirarchy' - this is exactly what you present. You spread hate and are an embarrassment and disgrace to your community.
You say you are harrassed. What do you think you are doing in this blog? Slander and harassment. Your post about the transgender who took HER own life was disgraceful.
What did you live as before yous had an op?
Personally, I don't care how you identify. And yes, I see things that are black and white as black and white. Not everything is, but some things are, even if people want to deny reality.
And no, no such hierarchy exists. To have a hierarchy, you have to have people who share something in common. Those who are transsexual have nothing in common with most who identify as transgender. Some who truly are transsexual MAY choose to identify as transgender, though I truly cannot understand why they would. Transsexual is a rare, and very specific condition. Transgender is a vague, and essentially meaningless term.
And no, the person who took his life was not a woman, he was a very troubled young man, who was into some very dark things. He was seriously mentally ill, and his parents should have forced him into some serious therapy, not to change his sexual orientation, or his belief that he was transgendered, but to deal with the real mental issues that led him to take his life. But, the transgender community loves a good martyr, and they no doubt are hoping for quite a few more. What is really disgraceful is how transgender activists have attacked this person't grieving parents.
And before I had my operation? I lived as a woman. You might try reading up on the requirements for sex reassignment surgery. Though I realize, it might prove a bit above your reading level.
I know the requirements!
But you see things as if those who have not made the full transition physically as different to yourself! You were born with a dick, you identify as female. Transgender are born with a dick and identify as female.
Who on EARTH are you to dictate to people their gender identity? Nobody.
You are a disgrace.
By the way...transgender by it's very definition is not identifying with the sex you were assigned at birth. You might want to try reading up on that.
You are a damaging human being. To every trans (sexual or genet) young person out there. You are a disgraceful person - no role model to young people today.
You deserve the 'harassment' you get. If you were in my country - your ranting a would be a hate crime. You bitter, old cow.
I also notice you like the theories of Harry Benjamin. He educated the world about transgenderism as well and taught that there needn't necessarily be have of even the complete desire to have SRS.
You talk bullshit. You're a hateful, dangerous human being.
You should be supportive of the wider transgender community....understand that you have WAY more in common than your tiny mind will allow. But you just want to be 'special' and 'rare' don't you.
You are nobody to tell people what their identity is. Nobody.
Then why did you ask a dumb question?
And yes, of course I see people who have not made a full transition AND who have no desire to make a full transition, as different from me.
I was born with a female brain, and I am female. Transgender males were born with a male brain, like to play dress-up and pretend to be women, and in the vast majority of cases would not give up their penis unless it was pried from their cold dead fingers. A few get carried away, and have SRS, and then make life miserable for transsexuals.
No, there is no simple definition of transgender, except this, transgender means only that one identifies as transgender. It is political, not medical, and it is highly subjective, not objective. And again, the vast majority of those who call themselves transgender actually do identify with their birth sex.
And I hope that my words will actually cause those who are transsexual to see the danger that the transgender movement causes. And if I am able to help derail the transgender movement, then good, I will have done some good.
Well, I am sorry you live in a country where people are not allowed to hold different opinions. You see, I do not wish to deny you the right to believe as you do. I simply disagree, and I will express that disagreement, and, whenever possible, refute the idiocy that you spew, and hopefully, prevent some of the harm that you cause.
And I do appreciate your effective confession that your view is no supported by facts. Otherwise, why would you see the need to resort to harassment, and even government censorship to protect it from question?
You might want to ponder that. My blog is censorship free. The only rule is you cannot violate someone's privacy here. If someone wishes to "dox" someone, it won't happen here. Otherwise, I don't censor comments. In fact, I only moderate them to prevent someone from violating that rule, as some have tried to do. I let you come here, and try to attack what I say. Funny, you can't abide doing that for those who disagree with you.
PRIVATE?! Have you seen your blog posts? Seriously?
No, I don't mind you disagreeing. What I dislike if your hateful blog about a community. You call them DANGEROUS? You are sick.
I'm done with you. I hope they get you, frankly.
Bye mate.
A lot more is known about transsexualism than was known in Harry Benjamin's time. I suspect he would see some things quite differently now. But, alas, Harry Benjamin is no longer with us. And, of course, Benjamin had NOTHING to say about transgenderism, as the term had not even been coined at that time. Yes, I know, Mr. "Cristan" Williams likes to claim otherwise, but Benjamin never used the term.
As to the rest of your drivel, it is typical. When the TG crowd is confronted they always fall back to this same load of crap.
To be quite honest, I honestly wish I had been spared any of this. If you didn't have your head so far up your rectum, you might realize that being transsexual is not a game, like playing transgender is. No, I never wanted to be special, or rare. I just wanted to stop hurting, and be normal. Now, I am. And I am fed up with people trying to drag me back.
Yes, private. I don't publish anything that the person has not said about their own self. For example, I knew Mr. "Autumn" Sandeen's birth name long before he posted it on his blog, but I never used it until he did.
Unlike you, and many others of your ilk, I don't hate anyone. And I abhor violence. I find that those who do endorse violence, as you clearly do here, know, deep down, just how invalid their view is. So, go in peace, and maybe, someday, you might gain some sense.
I find it offensive that transgender people are treated like gold! You people get access to all the hormones you want because your 'special'. If a woman wants to become a man she gets free steroids paid for by the canadian taxpayers not to mention the costly surgeries, but if a man wants to be more manly and grow some huge muscle he gets slapped with a criminal record and thrown in jail because steroids are illegal. How's that for equality? If your born with a penis that makes you a man, if your born with a vagina that makes you a woman. There's no grey area just people with mental illness and bleeding hearts supporting them to continue acting that way, how's that for offensive?
First off, I am not transgender. Second, while I agree that it is becoming far too easy to begin hormones, the use of steroids for, uh, male enhancement, is very dangerous. It can cause a number of health problems, and should remain illegal.
As to the rest of your comments, that is a gross oversimplification of a medical issue. Transsexualism, which has NOTHING to do with being transgender, is a rare condition that is properly treated with sex reassignment surgery.
Can anyone tell me hows the experience after the sex change? do they still able to have orgasm? or hows the life after the change? how to you find yourself being in this society. Has your friends become more friendly or they are just being less interest on you?
Hope to see my answers from you guys, Thanks
Well, I am not a "guy," but I will answer your questions. I can't speak for anyone else, but yes, I am able to have an orgasm. It is not a certainty, but it appears that most can. As part of the preparation for surgery, you are informed that you may not be able to orgasm, and that there is a chance your could die. Neither caused me to even consider not having SRS.
Now, the next question is an interesting one. A few days before my surgery, I had to go through the experience of having the two surgeons who would be doing my operation examine my genitals. It was a mortifying experience. I have never been comfortable having that region of my body examined, and standing there, having a two surgeons, one male, one female, looking at, and discussing a part of my body I wanted to be rid of, was horrible. I knew I had to endure it, but I was not happy doing it. About a week after I was discharged, I had to go and have some stitches removed. The doctor who did this was a very handsome man, who was the first person I saw when I came out from under the anesthesia. My first thought that day was, he's gorgeous, followed immediately by a near panic that they had called off my surgery. I had no sense of the passage of time... While he removed the sutures, I was in stirrups, and he was very close to an area that a few weeks earlier, I was uncomfortable with. I realized that I was completely comfortable with him doing that. My discomfort was gone.
I find myself being just an ordinary woman in society. Many of my friends do not know, and the ones that do generally know that I don't care to be viewed as anything other than a woman. One of my closest friends is a woman who has given no indication that she knows, though it is possible that she does. I live as a woman, which is something few who identify as transgender actually desire, and in truth, obsessively avoid.
The funny thing is, surgery makes all the difference in the world, and at the same time, makes little difference. I was living as a woman before, but now I am comfortable with my body.
I have some questions from the outside looking in as I am a biological male and I (for the most part) identify with the male gender.
1. How can biological (XY chromosomes) males claim that they were born with a female brain? How can they identify with the female sex if they have never been female? I can understand identifying with the social construct of female gender, but identifying with another sex confuses me.
2. If trans people want to be accepted for who they are, why are pronouns so important? Why can't a post-op biological male refer to himself as a male?
This is more of an inquiry than an argument. Your response would be appreciated.
Actually, due to certain medical conditions an XX person can be born with a penis and an XY can be born with a vagina. There is more to being a man or woman than what is between the legs.
Hi Mr. Jennifer, what exactly was the point of your post? All I got from it is that you enjoy misgendering people purposefully because you feel you know better than they do. Who will you bully next? Being trans* is a bit like being an amputee, a type I diabetic, a manic depressive, or a survivor of trauma: you can read up on it and form an opinion, but you will never know what it is like to be that way. Rather than behaving like a know-it-all (who lacks insight and human decency), why not educate yourself? You can't call yourself knowledgeable if you're basing your view on just a couple of people. Imagine if a doctor based all of their medical knowledge on just a handful of patients. Yikes.
Well, first off, I am well aware of XY women, and XX men. But it appears you miss the point. An XY woman is a woman. They tend to have a very strong female gender identity. That is because their brain is not remotely masculinized as occurs in a normal male. They are very feminine. And no, I don't misgender people. There are an awful lot of people who call themselves "transgender" who are actually people who have a gender and body that are in alignment, but who choose, for what ever reason, to rebel against their actual gender. These people rarely have any desire to change their sex, and in fact, insist on hanging strongly to their identification with their birth sex. They just get off on forcing people to acknowledge them as being their supposed target gender. Trust me, my knowledge is based on personal experience working with "transgender" people.
I find the author of this post to be very reasonable. She sets an example of how to create a dialogue rather than an argument. There are some parts I agree and disagree but I am most impressed that she has kept a calm tone. I think youtube videos revealing transphobia are trying to show that opinions against extremist transgenders are wrong, but it is all about how we set the message. As long as we talk like this, they cannot victimize themselves unnecessarily.
I agree with you, Singh. I dont hold similar beliefs as Jennifer due to personal religious beliefs, but I really commend the way she carried herself throughout the arguments.
I believe that if society wouldn't label the way a man or woman should act or dress that there wouldn't be the pressure of identifying with male or female identity. At the end of the day it is an individuals choice what they want to conduct themeselves as.
What right do any of us have to tell a person with freewill to abide by our will and opinions? From a christian perspective God gave us freewill to make choices so who is human to try and make robots out of people when the God of the universe didn't impose that on us. Most of the problem in human relationships is a lack of love if we could learn to love other's then we would see alot less hate.
think if you would if your child were different then the mold would you love them any less and if so why? I venture to say that many are offended by the fact that people will not adhere to there oponions whether right or wrong we all have free will to make our choices and we many times deal with the implications. Again if we could love other's even if we don't agree what is the worse thing that could happen?
Just saying
Honestly...I just want to comment here that as someone who's had questions about the trans gender movement since I was told that I can't use the term 'pregnant women' in abortion debates on a certain page because it excludes the rare case of people born female now identifying and living as male getting pregnant and needing abortions. I read later still that trans people can view women born women talking about things like periods and pregnancy around them as 'excluding them' and at that point I just had so many problems with them. Because there is a reality there that they are excluded from having a certain reproductive system, but people born female are not the ones responsible for this and acting like we should never talk about the experiences that are unique to being born female is to deny the reality of our existence. Once I saw that trans gender people are trying to erase this reality I just stopped giving any credence to their entire ideology. I feel like they are trying to get society to help them feel like they are legitimate members of a gender and I question how they can be. I feel like 'man' and 'woman' or 'male' and 'female' are simply labels we use to differentiate between people with the two different kinds of reproductive organs that human beings have, and that everything else that goes around it such as behaviors and attitudes is a social construct. From this I conclude that to identify as one label or another is really more about feeling more comfortable adopting certain behaviors and attitudes or wishing/desiring/wanting the other kind of reproductive system humans are born with than what you were born with. That's not enough to my mind to try and make our whole society help you feel like a legitimate member of your desired sex. It just re-enforces sexist ideas about gender or ignores a biological reality that can only be changed with surgery. That's the conclusion I came to after hearing trans people object to females talking about the physical/biological realities of being a female.
I personally don't mind people self-proclaiming themselves to be attracted to the same sex, although I don't believe that people should have the power to change what they were meant to be physically.
Finally someone understands me . I been called bigot and hateful for saying my opinions on this matter no matter how nice I said my opinion . I'm glad someone understands and is not afraid to give out an opinion. I would sure love to chat with you Jennifer. Very well done
I agree with you that we all should appreciate each other but even before society was a thing in which cavemen existed or if your Christian back then when jesus was alive and such ,we knew which gender we are by our physical triats (for example:male = penis) and not only that but by our roles . like animals they have roles according to their gender so like how a female animal feeds her young while a male animal protects and hunt. We have roles for what we are and that's how we survive as a species but doing what we have to do. And sure transgenders think of being opposite gender but there are characteristics that each gender have for ITS own. Like how Males are naturally muscular than females or how females can have offsprings but males can't. I get what you think how society is all about telling people who they are but I just want to say gender is not a society thing its what makes us biological together because surely a place with only men won't last long than a place of equally both genders.
@Elite Dinosaur You are entitled to your position, but it is not for you to decide. And clearly you are not aware of all that is involved. How would you determine what someone was meant to be? I had a nephew who was born with a horrible birth defect, which required several surgeries to correct. He was not meant to be deformed, even though he was born that way. Just because someone's body is one way, they should be able to obtain relief if their brain is different. What I have a problem with are those who want to claim to be women, but who insist on keeping their penises and such. They expect people to accept them fully as women, even though they are, and intend to say, physically male.
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