I have to wonder if this was too much for even those who strongly favored homosexual members of the military openly serving. While it became increasingly difficult, and finally impossible, for opponents to sustain the argument that gays serving in the military would lead to problems, it is obvious to all but the most radical, that open service by transgender people is just unworkable.
Even as extremist kooks like Mr. "Autumn" Sandeen, Mr. "Monica" Helms, and even everyone's least favorite racist, Mr. "Monica" Roberts screech their shrill demands for open transgender service, anyone with a shred of sense can see numerous problems. The simplest would be where such service members would be housed. If they are housed with members of their own sex, that would present problems. Housing them with those who they claim to identify with would be an even greater problem. And let's not even go in the direction of having a separate transgender unit. That would just be insane.
Of course, the transgender bloggers have been somewhat quick to react, claiming that he was fired because of gay anti-transgender bias. Anything to avoid facing the fact that one of their favorite demands is too much for even those who opposed Don't Ask, Don't Tell to swallow.
As the transgender community makes sillier and sillier demands, they can expect more and more pushback from those who are not, well, as insane as they are.
It seems to me the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual community have fired the first shots in the backlash against the trans community. This maybe the spark that finally kicks the trans community out of the LGB community.
Even GallusMag has commented on it and puts a theory why the Gay, Lesbian and Bisexual community has backlashed against the trans community.
Thanks for the link. That was quite interesting. And the part on the "Coy Mathis" case was also interesting. It sort of confirms what I have suspected...that the child's parents are publicity seeking scam artists. They are enjoying the spotlight a bit too much....
Also, this may shock you as well and Trans say this never happens, but now we have this, http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2013/06/25/rodney-kenneth-petersen_n_3496651.html?utm_hp_ref=college
I imagine this will happen more and more.
You ain't kidding because, were seeing how brazen trans is getting and I am starting to see the Mainstream LGB wake up and smell the coffee.
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