Instead...well, instead there was a total of 10 protestors, including Mr. Williams and Mr. Sandeen....
Quite a contrast...
So, we have an extremist religious right group, that has no real understanding of transsexualism being picketed by an extremist transgender group (somehow, I am not sure 10 people would exactly qualify as much of a group) who, well, have no real understanding of transsexualism.
I did get a real laugh out of Mr. Williams' enthusiastic prose....
Those who chose to call out PJI’s obdurate behavior were trans allies, parents, youth, war veterans, clergy and attorneys as well as 100s of virtual protesters who used the #JD4PJI tag to draw attention to PJI’s bullying.Well, let's see.... The, uh, "trans allies" part sort of goes without saying...Mr. Sandeen and Mr. Williams would both qualify as parents....Mr. Sandeen could sort of, kind of, be called a "war veteran" if you stretch the meaning and I suppose at least one other might have served in the military, though that is not certain....there are a couple kids there, no doubt when they should have been in of the people was a theology professor who decided she is really a "dude" so I guess that would qualify as "clergy" singular...If more than one of these is actually an attorney, I would be surprised (actually, none of them look likely to be) so that whole spiel is a bit of obvious spin. I wonder if PJI even knew they were out there? I seriously doubt they cared.
I can imagine both Mr. Sandeen and Mr. Williams eagerly anticipating the massive crowd that would show up. I also would suspect they were quite disappointed that it turned out to be a total bust. I wonder how many news organizations they contacted, only to have, quite obviously, no one show up to cover this momentous event. I wonder if they contacted the LAPD to warn them that there would be a huge rally that day? Seriously, this is more than a little hilarious.
Oh, and I checked, and apparently Pacific Justice Institute did not care enough to even mention this event....I guess even they thought it beneath notice.