A lot of the noise has centered around three quotes from the document which runs to six rather dense pages:
- The bill violates the privacy rights of every Maryland citizen.
- Behavior that would normally be considered criminal will now be protected as a civil right.
- The definition of “gender identity” trivializes the significance of biological sex.
The cry has gone up from the transgender extremists, "Horrors! To the ramparts! We are under attack, and our very existence is in danger!" At EHIPASSIKO, "Christan" Williams' rather silly blog, Williams refers to the letter as "exterminationist." Of course, this is more than a bit silly, but one would expect nothing less from Mr. Williams, who tends to be a bit hysterical (in more than one sense of the word). Well, in a sense, I guess they are right...they have demanded such ridiculous and radical changes that anything else probably seems unacceptable to them. But they face one little problem....the above is true. All three things are quite true.
In fact, these very things are at the core of the demands of the transgender extremists. They assert that:
- Their rights to express their "gender identity" trump all other rights.
- That their rights trump even the rights of women to be safe.
- That biological sex doesn't, that one becomes fully female simply by making the claim that one is female.
While I generally do not care for some to the sillier policies of the radical fringe of feminism, in this case they are raising good points, while showing consideration for those who actually have legitimate needs.
For example, in discussing one state's laws they make the following assertion (emphasis mine):
This definition of "gender identity" does not require any objective proof. Rather, It merely requires the person. seeking protection to assert that he or she identifies as the sex opposite his or her sex at birth.Further, because.Title 11 only permits discrimination in sex-segregated facilities based on sex) a person asserting gender rdentiry as a basis to avoid "discrimination" must be permitted to use the rest room or bath house of their chosen "gender identity') ...... without regard to any action taken on the part of that individual to change their physiology to "become female" (Le., sex reassignment surgery.)Clearly, they are not attacking true transsexuals, but instead the rising tide of men who think that putting on a dress makes them women. Since these "wannabe" women generally act, and quite often look, like men, it is understandable why women would be upset at the idea of them being able to force their way into women's room. Add in the fact that they make it clear that they have no desire to give up their penises, and it is clear that this is an invasion of privacy,
Therein lies the irony here, We are talking about men, claiming to be women, who have no concept of why women might not wish them in women's space. The very nature of their demands, and their attitudes are perhaps one of the strongest arguments against them. They show, by their behavior and attitudes, that they are not women, and have no concept of how women think.
Now, let's take a small step back, and consider exactly what is at stake here. As I pointed out, to hear the rhetoric from the transgender extremists, the radical feminists are demanding their extermination (Mr. Williams has said as much, actually) but in truth, this is about a simple issue, that we all know so well...men in women's space. The transgender extremists demand it, even to the point, in some cases, where nudity will be inevitable, and women oppose it.
And unlike some extremists, these radical feminists are not even demanding a total ban. They are simply asking for the reasonable standard that access be granted on the basis of proof of medical transition. That is, the weekend warriors, the cross dressers, the transvestites, and such would not be allowed access to women's spaces just on the basis of a claim of being a woman. And even there, what they are asking for is not panty checks. The bottom line, what they are asking for that has the transgender extremists going so far as to take of "extermination" (I am really having a good laugh at Mr. Williams' complete idiocy over this...) is that they simply want this standard imposed when there is litigation.
In another words, if someone is not demonstrably in transition, under medical supervision, and they sue for the right to access to use the women's room at work, they would not have a case.
Wow! Can you believe that such a simple, and reasonable request has led to claims of proposed genocide? There you have it. This is the transgender movement in a nutshell, which is where I suppose these nuts belong. They are so obsessed with access to women's restrooms that even the most reasonable of restraints, imposed to prevent a very real threat, is deemed outrageous.
And they wonder why those of us who really are women, those of us who knew early on, who struggled through life as women forced to live as men, who finally understand, who finally take the steps to put our lives right, simply don't want to be a part of their movement, oppose their silliness, and want to distance ourselves as far from their insanity as possible. It is not that we are elitist. It is simply that we are sane.