Saturday, August 1, 2015

This Is Insane, Even For Mr. Sandeen

Mr. "Autumn" Sandeen has a new cause...protecting crossdressers from being labeled as men if they happen to get murdered.  In yet another of his diatribes on Transadvocate, he tells us about the murder of Kenton Haggard, a 66 year-old male meth addict who had recently started crossdressing, and who was stabbed in the neck my another man who was apparently looking for a prostitute.

Now, the Fresno police have a very common sense policy.  They to crime victims by their physiological sex and will only note a person’s transgender status if that information will help the investigation.  And in this case, they had received no information indicating that the victim was transgender.  Of course, according to the transgender kooks, anytime a male crossdresses, he automatically becomes a full-fledged "female."  And anyone who happens to disagree is, of course, a transphobic bigot.  I guess by that standard, if, like many women, I were to put on a pair of men's jeans, and an old shirt I borrowed from my boyfriend to do something where I was going to get dirty, or otherwise stain my clothing, I would magically become a man.

Ironically, Mr. Sandeen tells us that "...Fresno is the city where Joel Robles was killed, and her death is one of the reasons why we first had the Justice For Gwen Araujo Act (AB 1170) and later the End Panic Defense act (AB 2501)," but then goes on, in the same paragraph, to say "Joel Robles was crossdressed at the time, as he was most weekends."  Whoops, I guess Mr. Sandeen forgot the very rule he is arguing for....

But, if there is any question at all about how absurd this is all becoming, one only has to look at the statement Mr. Sandeen offers up from "Rachel" Bowman, who he describes as a transgender "woman" who helps organize the annual Fresno Pride Parade.  This person, we are told, "said if a person was dressed in female attire, then that person should be called transgender or a woman, unless it’s Halloween. She said law enforcement should make the decision on the side of the person being transgender."

I mean seriously, this sounds like something from The Onion.  But in the crazy world of transgender kookiness, its pretty much par for the course.

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