It is basically a hissy fit about a video that was featured on the Huffington Post's Gay Voices section. The headline of the article shrilly claims…
Transmisogyny masquerading as parody: HuffPo’s Gay Voices promotes disturbing video from former Drag Race contestant
There is a warning…
Trigger warning: video linked portrays a trans woman being murderedAnd then the lead paragraph…
A trans woman activist portrayed with a moustache and a bad wig being murdered by a drag queen is the kind of imagery that would come with a trigger warning on most sensible online information outlet, not hailed as “hilarious” by one it’s editors. But, it would appear that Huffington Post editor James Nichols believes that the death of trans activist at the hands of an angry drag queen is a laugh-out-loud situation.You can watch the video for yourself here but unfortunately you can't read the article on Huffington Post because they decided to cave to the protests of outraged transgender kooks who took it all too seriously. Update: I have learned that it was preserved as a PDF here.
Now, let me start by saying that personally, I find a lot of "drag" offensive, not because of the issues raised by the humorless transgender kooks, but for a reason that is totally lost on the men in dresses crowd…it is insulting to women. Drag is often comparable to the blackface performers that were often a major part of the minstrel shows that were so popular in the 1800s. In fact, as people grew tired of blackface, it was replaced by female impersonators. Now, I have seen some drag acts that are quite good, but much of drag involves insulting examples of the worst stereotypes of "bitchy women."
Yeah, the foolish men who whine constantly about "transmisogyny" (their favorite neologism) could care less about real misogyny.
But, the growing tension between drag queens, like RuPaul, and the transgender nut cases, like Mr. "Cristan" Williams, Mr. "Autumn" Sandeen, Mr. "Dana" Taylor, and most significantly, Mr. Parker "Marie" Malloy who started this who thing with his article on the Advocate website, and worse, his Twitter post in which he expressed his outright hatred of RuPaul in rather vulgar terms (See Andrea James' excellent response here. BTW, the transgender kooks have now turned on Andrea James and Calpernia Adams for the unforgivable crime of actually disagreeing with them, and, well, pointing out some of their absurd positions.)
The video is over the top, but the obvious point is completely lost on the humorless men in dresses crowd. It is not, as one commenter on Williams' site claims, a threat of violence, implied or otherwise. It really not about "murdering a transwoman." It is a humorous slap at a self-righteous little man who has started hormones, and suddenly thinks he knows it all, and is going to set everyone else straight.
I mean, seriously, the supposed murderer uses a BLOW DRYER. It is over the top satire. After attempting, several times, to modify his language to satisfy the transactivist complaints, he becomes frustrated and opens fires…again, with a BLOW DRYER. The people offended by this are the same sort of people who actually think Jonathan Swift actually advocated eating poor children when he was really mocking heartless attitudes towards the poor. It is called hyperbole, and the message is actually that some of these humorless fools should get a life. Not, of course, that there is any chance of that.