So, let's look at what this gender fascist has to say:
Imagine the term Transgender used as an insult.Well, it is an insult if it is being forced on you. I do not identify as transgender, and consider it an insult to be referred to as such.
Well, that’s what’s going on with a small group of trans people. And make no mistake, they are absolutely trans people. But they do not consider themselves trans people.Now, isn't this interesting... Mr. Dyssonance doesn't care how we identify. He will tell us what we are. It appears that he is the one using "transgender" or in this case, "trans" as an insult.
The particular group involved here is a break-away sect from the slightly larger US “TS-SI” sect, which is itelf (sic) a break away group from the “HBS” sect of Trans people.Now, notice how he tosses out terms like "sect" and "break-away." Neither is appropriate, but hey, truth is not an issue for gender fascists.
These people are surgical supremacists, to start with, and the fastest way to discern one is that they decide that some people are and some people aren’t transsexual based on puerile and utterly subjective personal opinions.Mr. Dyssonance is really laying it on here. Or perhaps I should say, he is really shoveling it. I guess in his mind those who disagree with him are childish. And apparently he has no idea what the term subjective means. Those who identify as "classic transsexuals," or HBS, tend to have objective views. For example, we reject the oxymoron "non-op transsexual." This is why, increasingly, men who have no desire to lose their penis have started claiming to be "pre-op" but they never seem to have any real intentions of having surgery. Just excuses. We also look at other, very objective factors. So no, our rejection of many is not at all subjective.
The splinter group in this case calls themselves “Classic Transsexuals”. They are seeking to gain ownership of the term transsexual. To them, a transsexual is only such if they happen to “vibe” right to them, and if they happen to have an acceptable “narrative” (personal history), and if they happen to hold acceptable views similar to them. The requirements for which change according to how they feel about the individual.So, now "classic transsexual" is a splinter group. Actually, it is probably the more common term. And I hate to break it to Mr. Dyssonance, but words do have meanings. Actually, he, and his ilk, are the ones trying to gain ownership of the term "transsexual." And no, it is not just about vibing. Yes, one's personal history is a factor in deciding if one is a transsexual. Especially if the person making the decision is a licensed professional. As to "acceptable views," there are a lot of people I would consider to be transsexual who I strongly disagree with. There might be some who don't consider those who disagree with them on some social or political view to be "transsexual," but such an approach is absurd, and such a claim is bogus. It is just a bit of smoke and mirrors to avoid the truth.
And no, the requirements don't change. Being a transsexual is not about holding any political or social views. It is about having a brain that is sexually differentiated differently from the body. Period.
Now, I am not going to bother with the rest of the article. It can be summed up simply as a typical attack on the idea that transsexualism is inherent, and not simply something one chooses. Clearly, Mr. Dyssonance is one of those who knows, deep down, that he is pretending to be a woman. So, he attacks those who have a history that indicates a biological basis.
I will note that he does make up one fact. He claims that no "mainline scientist" supports the idea that transsexuals are "neurologically intersex." While he might be able to maintain such a claim by insisting on using that specific term, in the broader sense, his claims is totally untrue. It is true that the term "intersex" tends to have a very specific meaning, and is generally limited to conditions involving the genitalia and internal sex organs, the idea that transsexuals are, to use an older term, "psychic hermaphrodites" is not a new one, and has been a widely held one since Harry Benjamin first suggested it.
Or to put it more succinctly, Mr. Dyssonance simply makes stuff up as he goes.